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Crafted With Love Our New Babe Arrivals At Harvey Nichols
用愛精心打造我們的新 Babe 抵達 Harvey Nichols

Our Spring jewelry collection has arrived at Harvey Nichols. Featuring a stunning array of bedazzled earrings with matching romantic floral brooches in crystals and in colored enamel. Each product is handcrafted by our artisans. Available also on our Babe e-shop: and in select premium retailers worldwide. A great gift to treat yourself because you are so worth it!

我們的春季珠寶系列已抵達Harvey Nichols。 擁有一系列令人驚嘆的耳環,配有水晶和彩色琺瑯浪漫花卉胸針。 每件產品均由我們的工匠手工製作。 也可在我們的Babe 網上商店 和全球一些最好的零售商處購買。一個完美的禮物感謝自己,因為你是如此值得!