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From Paris With Love

Spending time in Paris this autumn? While strolling in the famed Saint-Germain, visit Shadé boutique(@shade_paris), 63 Rue des Saints-Pères, a Parisian institution for fashionistas, featuring a selection of the most creative designer accessories from around the world, even Madonna was seen shopping here!  A treasured destination not to be missed ... featuring our latest Babe accessories.

今年秋天在巴黎度過時光?漫步在著名的聖日耳曼區,不妨參觀Shadé 精品店(@shade_paris)63 Rue des Saints-Pères,這是一家巴黎時尚達人的機構,精選來自世界各地最具創意的設計師配飾,就連麥當娜女王也曾在這裡購物! 不容錯過的著名精品店目的地…我們最新的 Babe 配件在這裡有售。